My name is Eddy Ramirez, some call me Brutus, others Eddy, and over the last decade I have been known as “Coach” to people who play Football at Gonzales High School. Brutus Fitness was a Web Site I started to help people become the best version of themselves they could be.
Early Years

Brutus Fitness originally started as a supplement Sales Company and evolved into a personal fitness service. People used to ask me questions and we would walk over to the supplement stores and I would help them pick out supplements that matched their goals. This turned into a business opportunity for me and I started this website and would order from the manufacturer directly for my clients.
During this phase things just didn’t feel right. First of all, this model doesn’t scale so it wasn’t going to become my main source of income but I was ok with that since income was not my main goal. We wanted to help people reach their potential but it felt like we were either selling clients pills and powders they didn’t need or we were trying to pressure/guilt trip them into working out. Something had to change.

I went in search of an audience that “wanted” to work out, and I joined the coaching staff at Gonzales High School football. I found that many people were taking advantage of this demographic. Meal Plans, Supplement Sales, Speed Clinics, Workout Plans, etc were being aggressively marketed to this group and the coaches lacked the expertise or resources to offer alternatives.
I started taking a few select members and training them exclusively. The results spoke for themselves and the platform was there for me to educate students on nutrition, sports performance, and the importance of resisting training. All for free of course. I felt I found my calling.
Honeymoon is over

Like all free things, they lose their perceived value. It’s hard to sell “Hard Work” and Consistency as the answer when people are offering to help you lose 10 pounds in 1 week for $10. Or Abs by drinking tea that costs $50/mo. I’ve seen an ad for an 8 hour workout guaranteed to add 2 inches to your biceps, as well as a burrito that can shave 2 tenths off your forty time.
I also got into the X’s and O’s of football more and eventually found my role as Head Coach. So while I have the certificates and years of working knowledge and experience in helping athletes optimize their performance, change their body composition, become “bigger / faster/stronger”, etc., I lost the attention of the kids to Tik Tok’ers, YouTuber’s and InstaGram’ers.

I find myself Hungry. I want to win again. I find myself trying “out of the box” approaches to motivate kids to fall in love with the process. I’m hungry to win at football, but I’m also hungry to add people to “the Kru”. I’m not looking for new opportunities and am committed to where I am, but it might be time for some change.
Who knows what the future holds for Coach Brutus?