Be Your Best.

Activate the Flux Capacitor

I attended a graduation recently, and listened to the guest speakers attempt to impart some wisdom on the kids who were just waiting for the ceremony to end so they can resume partying. It brought back memories of when I was a kid going through my graduation. I thought to myself, if I was going to give my teenage self some advice, what would it be? If I was made a guest speaker and expected to say something to these kids that would help them out, what would I say?

In my head, I pictured myself saying the following:

I have 3 words for you

I have 3 words for you that if followed, will give you great results. That’s right, the secret to fulfilling your dreams, the roadmap to being succesful are based on these 3 words, are you ready for it?

“Be Your Best”.

That’s it… nothing more.

You don’t have to focus on being better than anyone else. You don’t have to think about how to rise to a particular occasion. Just be your best at anything you do. You will win some battles, and you will lose some, but you won’t have regrets.

What does it mean?

A commitment to being your best means you work hard because you can. It means you don’t let people down. It means that you do whats right only because it’s the right thing to do. It means that you follow through on your word. Add in some goals to this approach and you are destined for greatness. You may not become the president of the United States (if that’s your goal), but you will be the best version of you that you can be.

If being your best is something you do all the time, then you won’t just be good… you’ll be great.

So remember, be your best. Always.
And don’t forget to lift like you live. Lift with Purpose.


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