Gonzales Spartan Football Awards 2016

Gonzales High School Spartan football team held it’s awards night on Tuesday 11-29.
Students and parents were honored for their contribution during the season.


Varsity winners

(from row left to right):
Best Offensive Player: Jesus Mendoza
Golden Helmet Award: Jose Espinoza
Rookie of the Year: Payton Flores
Best Defensive Player: Pablo Villasenor

Not pictured:
Coaches Award: Isaac Matthews


JV winners

(back row left to right):
Most Improved: Kevin Laguna
Team Captain: Angel Zuniga
Rookie of the Year: Alex Ballesteros
Best Offensive Lineman: Jerry Ruiz
Best Defensive Lineman: Leonel Valdez

(front row left to right)
Team Captain: Aviel Avila
Team Captain: Michael Rosas
Best Offensive Back: Michael Madera
Coaches Award: Jaime Ramirez
Team Captain: Joel Valdez
Best Defensive Back: Xavier Jimenez

Not pictured:
Coaches Award: Veronica Rodriguez
Most Outstanding Player: Michael Duby


Many families helped out throughout the year and special thanks was given to the Espinoza, Villasenor and Avila families.

Below is the slideshow that was presented at the ceremony. It’s just under 10 mins long and covers summer, JV, Varsity, and some final team moments.


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