Gonzales Spartans Varsity Football vs Carmel Padres 2015

Gonzales Varsity Spartans lost to the Carmel Padres on Saturday Oct 3, 2015. Losing 65-27, the game was close for the first half. Carmel was forced to bring back and play their starters throughout the entire game to stop the Spartans from coming back. The Spartans matched the most number of td’s allowed in league play from last year against the defending champions. It proved to be too little as the Padres ran away with the victory.

As a side note, I’m obviously biased, but there were a lot of questionable non calls from the referees ranging from holding, interference, taunting, unsportsmanlike conduct and jumping on each other to block the kicking unit. There will always be calls that you disagree with, but this referee unit was pretty bad and obviously one sided. Some of the pictures show this, but what it doesn’t show is the character and composure the Spartans showed in spite of the situation.

Also, the type of language coming from the Padre’s varsity squad was a poor representation of the school and I hope it’s not the way they are taught to behave by their parents or their coaching staff. Carmel was the better football team and the score reflected that, but they could definitely learn a lesson in sportsmanship and class from the Spartan unit.

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