Gonzales Spartans vs Carmel 2018

Gonzales High School Varsity Football played the Carmel Padres in the second round of the CCS Division 5 playoffs on November 24th. The game had to be moved to MPC in anticipation of the crowds and it turned out to be a good move as practically half the town of Gonzales showed up and filled up the stadium. The visitors side was standing room only and the GHS crowd spilled over to the home side as well.

As for the game, it turned out to be a one sided affair after the 8th minute of the 2nd quarter as the Padre’s overwhelmed the Spartans 57-14. Don’t feel bad for the Spartans as they had a historic 11-1 season that rewrote the school record books and added a notch to CCS history as well. The Spartans will surely move up in league to Cypress Division. The plan is to be back in the playoffs next year.

Unfortunately it’s time to say good bye to this year’s Seniors who represented Big G to the fullest, played with Pride and bled as much Orange and Black as any Spartan could. The foundation has been laid, this class built on top of it and raised the bar, it’s now up to the next to maintain the road.


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