The Gonzales Spartans Varsity Football team hosted it’s first playoff game in 15 years against the Saratoga Falcons. The atmosphere was electric and the home crowd showed up in huge numbers.
While the defense made a couple of stops, and Nael Vasquez ran back a fumble for a 73 yard score, it was a day of offense as both teams scored at will. The lead changed various times, including in the last seconds as the Spartans made a final drive in the last 3 minutes to take the lead, 54 – 49.
The falcons made a last second drive of their own and took a shot at the end zone. Jaysun Flores knocked the attempt to the ground and ended the hopes of the falcons, bringing their season to an end. The Spartans now celebrate Eleven wins and continue to write history as no “C” League team has beaten a “B” in CCS playoff history since the stat has been tracked!
Next week is a battle of undefeated as the Spartans invade the Carmel Padres at their home for playoff semifinals.