In a battle of potential league champions, the Gonzales Spartans Varsity football team dug in and prepared to defend their territory vs the attacking Soquel Knights.
Payton Flores, Jayson Flores, and Franky Cisneros led the Spartan onslaught with 2 touch downs each. Payton added 233 yards on the ground on 19 carries. Franky’s scores came through the air and Jayson Flores scored through both air and land.
On Defense Miguel Arreola registered 2 sacks and Nael Vasquez and Jose Lopez each added one more. 4 different Spartans deflated the Soquel knights with interceptions, plucking their hopes out of the air. Pablo Villasenor scored a safety and the net effect was a crippling 54 – 7 loss for the knights.
With the victory secured, the Spartans now prepare to defend their home versus Pajaro Valley next week for their homecoming game.